We get information on medications, labs and the episode of care before the patient even arrives.

Annie Zambrano, Clinical Director of Operations, Cimpar
Let’s connect

Hospitals & health systems

Easily monitor quality of care after discharge.

If your hospital or health system works with Medicare/Medicaid, you know that patient-driven payment models are the new norm and effectively managing reimbursement revenue is critical to your success. You may already know that MatrixCare is to long-term care what Epic is to hospitals. But did you know that when it comes to managing outcomes under value-based care, we’re also an ACO’s best friend?

If your downstream referral partners use MatrixCare for active care management, you have a unique advantage. Seniors on the MatrixCare CareCommunity platform can grant access to all of their medical providers, so hospitals and ACOs can easily monitor quality of care after discharge. Doctors can use CareCommunity to detect changes in a senior’s condition across the continuum of care and intervene when necessary.

With the highest interoperability among out-of-hospital providers, MatrixCare can help you:

  • Identify where your patients are within the continuum of care
  • Exchange data between any and every type of care setting, in or out of the hospital
  • Predict revenue and costs using key performance indicators that let you continually evaluate downstream referral partners


Learn more about CareCommunity

Operating in more than one care setting?

Through one seamless platform, MatrixCare helps provide efficiency and smooth transitions as individuals move from one care setting to another.

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Discover how MatrixCare can help you navigate the changing health system environment.